CNC 2746
Accumulator Bladder Charge Kit S style accumulator only
(Replaces Strippit® Part Number 802994-200)
From $146.00
CNC 2973
Accumulator 1 gal High Pressure H Machine 2200-2300 PSI
This item must ship ground. Accumulator must be charged before use. I do rent the proper charge kit.
(Replaces Strippit® Part Number 1000806-000)
From $943.00
CNC 2974
Accumulator Bladder LP H Machine 2.5 Gallons 35-40 PSI
This item needs to ship ground, and will need to be charged when received. We do rent a proper charge kit for this item.
(Replaces Strippit® Part Number 1000807-000)
From $291.00