This collection includes the Servomotors that move the X,Y,T,C AXIS. Also included are the associated drive amplifiers. Servo units being closed loop are difficult to troubleshoot without proper equipment. Caution must be excessive to avoid damage to equipment, or personnel hazards.
CNC 4188
Gettys Rack with Fan
Replaces Strippit® 21178-000
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CNC 4132
Servomotor Gettys XY
reconditioned exchange only
replaces Gettys® M313C-A00-102-AB
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CNC 4069
Servo Amplifier Fanuc®
Amp 31i-PB ai SV 20/20/20 A06B-6240-H305
replaces Strippit® 1003943-000
CNC 4048
Servo Amplifier Control Card GN6 Reconditioned
Must return core to avoid additional charge
Replaces Fanuc® A20b-0009-0320/12
CNC 4045
Servo Amplifier Control Card GN6 CAP Reconditioned
(Replaces Fanuc® Part Number A20b-0009-0320-16E)